Journey to this Brand
Can I tell you the truth? This business is a byproduct of a seven-year journey in struggling to trust and follow God’s plan for my life!!! The idea of creating a brand that both uplifts women and points them to God was first birthed in 2017 but today, finds its presentation to the world as a result of being removed from a doctoral degree program that I did not complete, even though I fought to reach the finish line.
To say that was a bummer, is putting it mildly.
But as I sought God’s face and worked to forgive myself for allowing this experience to happen to me, Abba pointed out that it was time to follow the mission He placed on my heart and consistently pointed out that I needed to do a very long time ago!
Though this is a scary step, I’m here to share with the world what being Rooted & Resilient looks like when your roots are found/placed in God. Below is my journey of discovery that founded the creation of this brand:
1999 – After executing a series of student events on my college campus, a professor came to inform me that He believed I was called to ministry. An idea I rejected at the time due to the battle over women’s ordination that was coming down the pike!
2014 – Living life and doing things the way I thought I was supposed to, I became a registered nurse, married, had two kids, and then realized that I was in an abusive relationship with someone who was a narcissist. This same year God asked me a direct question: “Are you done yet?” Through a series of events, God revealed His plan for my life and my prayer response was “Lord, Please remove anything from my path that is keeping me from following your call to ministry.” Some months later my now ex-husband and I were separated due to a domestic attack that left me with a concussion.
2015 – People called me crazy, but I packed my things and moved to Michigan with my two young kids to start my training in the gospel ministry. While there God kept His promise and taught me what I needed to know to enter into His service. It wasn’t an easy process, but I learned about God’s faithfulness, love, and care while He simultaneously revealed that I struggled with deep-seated unbelief and questioned fully trusting Him due to all the traumatic experiences that prohibited my ability to truly rest in God.
2017 – God shared with me His vision for my ministry though I believed Him, I sought to do it in my own strength, believing that the work was mine to do. But Boy did I have it wrong!!! This wrong belief caused me to start and stop again repeatedly.
2020 – When getting picked up by a conference to pastor a church in my religious faith didn’t happen, I returned back to the profession of nursing, instead of seeking God for clarity and direction. This led to years of blessings but also many difficult experiences that caused me to question my value and worth to and in the world.
2021 – At the advisement of a mentor, I entered a doctor of ministry program that tested my perseverance, grit, passion, and faith. During this program, I grappled with imposter syndrome and questions of worthiness while facing many challenges in progressing through the program. In 2022, God made it clear, that it was time to leave nursing and enter the world of entrepreneurship. He allowed me to choose the date which I did, it was July 2023, but I didn’t keep my side of the bargain.
2023 – In the fall of 2023, I got Covid for the third time and this particular time, created problems with my breathing that have now left me with an inability to work in my profession of training. Over the last year, God has used this time to remind me multiple times, via various individuals that I need to take the leap and do what God has placed within my whole being to do.
2024 – In the summer of 2024, God helped me to discover a new awareness and clarity of who I am in Him. It’s been a long journey, but I’ve become stronger and wiser for it. Even with this knowledge, my slowness of action and a series of concurrent challenges and stressors resulted in my removal from the doctoral program.
CAN I TELL YOU THAT THIS EXPERIENCE HURT….but not as bad as I thought it would! I would call that GRACE!!! In the time I have taken to reflect on and mourn this journey, God has revealed to me that I have always been resilient in my [own] strength, but this is not how He wants us to live our lives. He wants His children to learn resilience in & through Him. And this is the purpose behind the ROOTED & RESILIENT brand.
It is God’s call to believe what He says, and to prove Him, by planting our feet ten toes down onto the Rock which is Christ Jesus and embracing the deep love He has for you. I promise you, He really won’t fail you! And that’s what I hope you draw/discover from this brand…. Perseverance, Grit, Grace and Faith are the hallmarks of your purpose passion and drive in living a life that pleases/glorifies God. I invite you to uncover this for yourself through an adventure of discovery and faith despite life’s many challenges.
Rooted & Resilient represents faith that surpasses the opposition we face in this world. We truly cannot win in this life without being fully grounded in God!
Learning to believe and trust God no matter what trial we face, grows not only our strength but our resolve because God fuels us with His ability to overcome every test [See Isaiah 40:31, Isaiah 41:10]. This is what Abba wants you to discover so that you can next level your faith and put it your life on display for the world whole world to see!!
I hope you will join us on this mission to encourage and positively impact the lives of those around you by letting them know that their Resilience is Strengthened when they trust and make God their confidence.
Thank you for supporting our brand.